Chapter 2: Page 70
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70 - Pimp dat comic!
Posted on 2007-06-11 00:02:09

Close one.
Mmmmm pants.

I have been working hard, and I will be updating on those periodic Thursdays sometime very soon, I'll let you know ahead of time when, but it will happen as promised n_n

Tiiime for a comic pimp!
I have been reading White Noise at DoomNStuff and I have to say, oh my goodness whats going to happen next!? I LOVE comics that can create good tension and atmosphere. The setting is a post-apocalyptic earth, after an alien invasion that occurred about 130 years ago. MmmMmmm sci fi goodness. And the art is killer! :D

Original script for 06-11-2007:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.
[Charlie kicks the second zombie]