Chapter 11: Page 320
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Posted on 2011-08-29 00:00:00
Had a bit of Hurricane fun here in NC! :D Thanks for all of your concerned emails, everything here is fine! :)

Original script for 08-29-2011:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.

Sammie: [Grabs the mattress and flips it over, launching the skeletal remains to crash to the floor as well as the old mattress.] There! All better! Nothin' to worry about anymore. Ooo! [Discovers a box with shiney's in it] the old 'hide the expensive jewellery underneath the kids bed trick.' Never works.

Charlie: I can't believe it…

Sam: I know right? People are dumb.

Charlie: [Gets irate] No! The fact that you would just DO this-Have some respect for the dead!