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Posted on 20101227
THANK YOU SO MUCH ROSE FOR THE ART. D: Please visit her site oh my God. I owe her bigtime.

So...where's the comic?

I don't really know how to tell you this but... there will be no comic this Monday. I haven't missed an update in 4-5 years so this is a big deal for me, and I am insanely sad about this. But rest assured, we'll be back on schedule next Monday.


Well. This past month and a half has been scarily hectic... and I really was caught off guard and had no time to make a strong buffer. Which is my fault, I should have been prepared better.


I had to drive 9-10 hours to Toronto for an awards ceremony.
Then drive back. I didn't win, but what an experience!


I had to start getting my vaccinations prepared for immigration. Which went like:
- HEY. You need all these shots. That'll be $90 please.
- After shots become so sore you can't dress yourself :D
- HEY. You need more shots. That'll be $130 please!
- Die from pain of over 6 different shots. Now I can't move. :D
- Had to get more passport photos taken. ( I looked insanely drugged up and crazy)


Drive to Toronto AGAIN for my medical exam.

Get examed. Which included:
- X-rays
- Blood
- I can't find your pulse, where is your pulse, oh, there it is.
- Sit in a poorly ventilated room freezing to death in a napkin dress that is TOO INSANELY BIG FOR YOU.
- Ask various questions about your medical history while freezing in a napkin dress that is TOO INSANELY BIG FOR YOU.
- Get poked and prodded for a while.
- Crotch check. You don't have syphilis! Yay! GUYS. I don't have syphilis!

Doctor person: "Aaaand... that will be $325."

Drive back from Toronto, get back, sleep forever. I feel like I am still moving.

Wake up. Wow it's almost Christmas. Fucking Christmas. Ugh. What.

What. The interview is in Montreal? That's a two-day drive away... ugh.

What am I going to get peoples for Christmas?

Fuck. The book.

Oh God I am so poor now.

And tired.

And sad.

I want husband.

I want my friends.

Sleep, what?

Hey I'm INSANELY sick on Christmas now. Guess I can't go out and see people.

Time to do the comic...


[Insert mental breakdown here]


Now I am sitting bundled up with some tea and a blanket. Trying to fight of whatever plague I got that was most likely caused from stress.

I hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday. And please, take the time to take it easy, even if it's only for a few hours. Take care of yourself and everything else will follow.

Unlike what I did. :|

Thanks everyone for being so patient :)

Original script for 12-27-2010:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.