Chapter 8: Page 225
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225 - PTSD
Posted on 2009-12-14 00:00:00
Hmmm. That's weird.

The Holidays are here! and that means sales sales sales! Are you a TZH fan? Or know someone who is? Well now is the time to buy some TZH merch! Everything in the store (Sans book pre-orders) is now 20% off!

Also! DeviantART is also having a sale of its own! You can find my DeviantART print-shop HERE! DA now sells a variety of items now like coasters, mugs, puzzles, magnets, AND postcards! I have put up some TZH prints and other items in the DA store as well, so you can get them there as well.

So grab what you can while the holiday season lasts!

Also! (I almost forgot, SORRY! D:) An interview I did with the TGT! Take a listen!

Original script for 12-14-2009:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.
Guy: CUT IT OUT MAN! You are gonna get yourself infected!

[Katie is now frightened, and cornered. She then goes into flashback mode and starts seeing zombies.]