Chapter 5: Page 143
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143 - Boobies!
Posted on 20080804
Pure, comedy, gold.
I drew a lot of inspiration from real life events here. Haha.

Original script for 08-04-2008:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.
Sweet suffering fuck, you wouldn't believe what people have in their houses. [Digs around in her bag some more pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one]

Jenny: Its harder to sneak 'personal goods' in; they're stamping everything now as well as doing bag checks when we get off the boat.

Sammie: Meh. That's what tits are for. [stuffs stuff in her bra, Maureen does the same. Jenny glares]

Author's Notes: Ha, ha, titties.