Chapter 23: Page 648
The originals for this page are not yet available.
Posted on 20150604
AAgggh computer is acting funny so this update is a little on the late side :/
UPDATE: Okay so the 'computer acting funny' turned into a shitstorm of oh, fuckery.
Okay so new Hard Drives are on their way, but shit can't come in fast enough. I'm sitting on finished line-art for today's page but the coloring is at a standstill. my computer is just not having any of it. I'm scared to death to push it because I had already lost one round of lineart (this is my second time drawing this page) So hopefully I get my situation sorted out soon, because damn. I think this has to be the longest time ever TZH has been up with no updates :/ If the situation doesn't improve I'll just post lineart? *flails about anxiously* Also apparently our backups fried themselves sooo-- thats also a thing, we may have to send the computer hard-drives to a place to retrieve the information because a huge chunk of stuff on these drives are super important ugggh =__= I don't even want to think about it until that time comes.
Original script for 06-04-2015:
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.
This script may not match the finished comic! It will, however, contain the original spelling errors and other mistakes.
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